I started writing this post back on Memorial Day weekend. I haven't
written anything since I started it, and it's taken me this long to
finish it. I think I see this as a final step in my healing process.
This is a real issue that people are just now starting to speak out
This is long....I warned you :-) .
Labor and birth are rarely "easy." As a first time mother, I tried to
prepare myself as best I could for what labor and birth would be like.
I wasn't scared at all. I had faith in my body, my intuition, my
strength. I had confidence, knowledge, and inner peace surrounding labor and
birth. I had a good relationship with my midwife and my partner. But
how do you, or can you, prepare yourself for something that is so
widely different for every person and something with which you have
nothing to pull from. You do the best you can.....that's how. So,
that's what I did. I took birth classes, read books, watched videos,
and immersed myself in anything and everything to do with birth. Did
it help with labor and birth? Absolutely. Did I still get PPD
(postpartum depression)/PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)? Yep.
Birth rarely goes as we plan it in our heads. I knew that, and didn't
necessarily expect it to. On the other hand, you have to prepare
yourself for something. You have to imagine yourself giving birth.
You have to imagine what it will feel like to have contractions. You
have to imagine and practice how to cope with pain. When you write
out your birth plan you have to think about every single detail. So
how do you do THAT without setting yourself up for disappointment when
things don't go as you had prepared yourself for. That's what I don't
have the answer for.
It wasn't just the labor/birth that I feel
contributed to my PPD. It was weeks before when I spent the last part
of my pregnancy taking care of my partner, post surgery, both at home
and then at the hospital for a week because of an infection. It was
not listening to my body telling me to go ahead and go out on
maternity leave from work. It was our stay in the hospital after my
son was born, feeling like I was imprisoned and pressured and confused
and strong and weak all at the same time. It was the helplessness I
felt when I looked at my newborn laying on the bili light, following
the doctor's orders not to breastfeed him so he could stay on the
light, when my soul screamed that this was needless and was
interfering with our bonding. It was not stepping foot back in my
house until a week after my son was born because of jumping through
hospital hoops. It was having to put my cat to sleep the day after we
had gotten home because his liver had shut down. It was going back to work only 5 weeks post partum.
Wow. That's a lot of crap for a normal person to deal with, much less
someone at the end of their pregnancy or new parent. And all of that
is aside from the 36 hour labor with a posterior baby, transferring to
the hospital after planning a home birth, and just coping with labor
in general. Could things have gone differently and been worse? Uh,
yeah. Being thankful that I didn't have to have a c-section and I had
a healthy baby does not diminish all of the other things that DID
happen. I can be thankful and upset and happy and sad at the same
time. And being thankful for the GOOD things that happened doesn't
mean I don't have to deal with and process all of the BAD things that
happened too.
I dealt with PPD, PTSD, and anxiety for well over a year after I had
my son. From time to time I still feel like I have bouts of it. I in
no way feel like I had a sever case of PPD/PTSD, and cannot imagine
what a mother with a severe case is going through, but nobody knew
what I was going through except my partner. No matter how much I
wanted them to, no one could tell just by looking at my face that I
was crying inside, begging for someone to just spend some time with me
and talk to me, wanting to break down and just have someone listen and
hold me while I cried.
At the time I didn't think I had PPD, definitely didn't realize many
of the symptoms I was having were PTSD, and thought the anxiety I was
feeling was part of being a new parent. I tried for a long time to
work through things on my own. I thought it was just me, that my
expectations had been too high. I talked to my partner about it....a
lot....and felt guilty about it. Why do I talk about this all the
time? Why can't I just get over it? What's wrong with me? Tons of
people have WAY WORSE birth experiences than I did. I knew that
didn't discount what I was feeling, yet I obsessed over it. Every.
Single. Day. I lived it over and over and over in my head. I felt
like all I talked about for the first few months, hell the first year,
was my birth and my feelings. But that was the only thing I knew to
do. I did have some feelings that I knew were not normal. Like when
someone I knew went in to labor I secretly hoped she had a long labor
like me (sorry!). I was angry! I was angry that she might get more
attention than I did or get treated better or get to have the birth
that I didn't. Or any time someone I knew announced they were
pregnant I would have this upswell of emotions that lasted days or
weeks. I was jealous and angry and sad and rewalked my path all over
I was so tired of feeling a hole inside. I picked at it and picked at
it and it was getting smaller, but it was still there and I was tired
of it! Finally, I started reaching out to the people that were
involved in my obsessive thoughts. I spoke with my midwife several
times about things that happened that I was having issues with. I spoke to my partner about the feelings I had towards events surrounding my
pregnancy and birth. I took actions that I thought might help keep
someone else from having some of the same experiences I did. Once I
spoke the whole truth and shared myself with the people that were on
my mind, then I finally started to feel better. I had been holding it all inside me because I didn't think it was real, that it wasn't valid, that I was over reacting because lots of people have worse experiences than I did. Yes, I gave myself permission to mourn the loss of the birth I didn't get to experience, and I did that, but it didn't heal the birth I DID experience. Only time and complete
openness with the people involved did that. And you know what? They
were AMAZING! My midwife listened to me compassionately, validated my
feelings, and offered me things from her perspective, and my partner,
from the very beginning, was a great listener and always supportive.
I so wish I would have started my journey by speaking to them about
the REAL issues I was having when I first realized they were an
issue. It took me a little while to figure out what the REAL issues
were, but once I figured it out I wish I wouldn't have been so scared
to reach out. But that's why I'm sharing this now. I'm reaching out
to YOU. Talk about your birth. Talk about your experiences, good and
bad. Talk about your expectations and what you loved and what you
hated. Get it all out in the open and see what happens. I know it's
hard, but sometimes YOU have to take that first step and reach out,
because other people can't read your mind, and they really do want to
help. It just might change your life.
Awesome post!!! I'm sorry you didn't get the birth you should have but I'm so thankful you were able to learn from your experiences do that you could help me make through this last birth and feel victorious and not like a failure like I did with my first birth even though they were very similar.